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Random thoughts/ stuff I have said, I want to rememba


on the bright side*once you experienced the reflection of your thoughts/ dreams*u know what they are made of*


*History of human kind is the mark we leave*of how deep we go inward* 2 share with the world what we find*
Make one worth looking back to + continue........*


*Live 2day like there was no tomorrow- but measure your indulgence and be kind*


*I throw pearls 2 the pigs*they need luv' 2*


*if u haven't realized it, yet*shit happens every day*what r u gonna make of it? u could drown yourself in a bucket of water in self pity or become best friends with Molly and Jack in self pity*or you could get out of your box and surprise yourself* reaching into what you are made of*like a real being that bleeds*not a ghost*messin with people's heads to repeat the shit you left in their head*when you craweled back into your box*and disappeared*